”Shripal, in the same vein, had clarified that a part of the open area, which was covered by tensile fabric was demolished without any prior notice by the BMC. Among many, there was one post that went viral where the writer wanted to take Sachin and the team to task “for negligence”. “You, as a Rajya Sabha MP and Bharat Ratna recipient, have to openly explain through yourself that for money you will go to any extent? (sic)” goes the open letter. And that the “go karting track was also inspected and found as per the approved plan.The open letter also questioned the illegal constructions in the cricketer’s bungalow in Bandra and his responsibility as a citizen.“Your venture Smaaash in Kamala Mills has many illegal parts including the go karting track, which you have created in the parking lot (sic),” the post begins.Shripal Morakhia, founder and chief imagination officer at Smaaash, said through the post, “I have worked with statutory authorities, shareholders and bankers and customers all my life.
And Sachin Tendulkar’s sports-based entertainment company, Smaaash Entertainment, was one such high-profile centre that found itself in the midst of the storm. Demanding an explanation, the post also questions why Sachin has been deleting posts about the incident that have been tweeted to him: “You can’t feign ignorance! We won’t stop till we hear an explanation from you! Posts to your twitter handle you have conveniently removed! What are you scared of?” (sic)Sachin hasn’t come out with any sort of an explanation yet.After the Kamala Mills fire tragedy in Mumbai, the municipal corporation went on a demolition drive against unauthorised constructions in the area.Soon social media was abuzz asking Sachin to respond to many of their questions. I always consider the statutory authorities as my guardians and always work hard to abide by the laws of the land. However, Smaaash, on its own behalf, shared through their social media handles a letter “highlighting” and clearing some facts.”. In an open letter that is being circulated, Sachin, with respect to his China Spunbonded nonwovens company office in Rajya Sabha, has been requested to shed some light on the illegal constructions in his name in Kamala Mills.
”Shripal, in the same vein, had clarified that a part of the open area, which was covered by tensile fabric was demolished without any prior notice by the BMC. Among many, there was one post that went viral where the writer wanted to take Sachin and the team to task “for negligence”. “You, as a Rajya Sabha MP and Bharat Ratna recipient, have to openly explain through yourself that for money you will go to any extent? (sic)” goes the open letter. And that the “go karting track was also inspected and found as per the approved plan.The open letter also questioned the illegal constructions in the cricketer’s bungalow in Bandra and his responsibility as a citizen.“Your venture Smaaash in Kamala Mills has many illegal parts including the go karting track, which you have created in the parking lot (sic),” the post begins.Shripal Morakhia, founder and chief imagination officer at Smaaash, said through the post, “I have worked with statutory authorities, shareholders and bankers and customers all my life.
And Sachin Tendulkar’s sports-based entertainment company, Smaaash Entertainment, was one such high-profile centre that found itself in the midst of the storm. Demanding an explanation, the post also questions why Sachin has been deleting posts about the incident that have been tweeted to him: “You can’t feign ignorance! We won’t stop till we hear an explanation from you! Posts to your twitter handle you have conveniently removed! What are you scared of?” (sic)Sachin hasn’t come out with any sort of an explanation yet.After the Kamala Mills fire tragedy in Mumbai, the municipal corporation went on a demolition drive against unauthorised constructions in the area.Soon social media was abuzz asking Sachin to respond to many of their questions. I always consider the statutory authorities as my guardians and always work hard to abide by the laws of the land. However, Smaaash, on its own behalf, shared through their social media handles a letter “highlighting” and clearing some facts.”. In an open letter that is being circulated, Sachin, with respect to his China Spunbonded nonwovens company office in Rajya Sabha, has been requested to shed some light on the illegal constructions in his name in Kamala Mills.
Anushka’s father’s army posting around the country gave her mother a chance to have an enviable saree collection. So, I still wear all those sarees,” says the Long dress cover manufacturers actress. “I used to go abroad and get a great brand and wear it. But I could not wear them in India because the fabric was thin and transparent and hence deemed ‘not good’ to be worn in India. For Anushka, the need to start her own brand stemmed from what the best brands could not offer. I did that very recently at an event as well,” says Anushka. “Since my father was in the army, we would be travelling to various parts of the country.
My mother would make it a point to buy the local sarees and hence has a great collection. “When my mother would get ready to go to parties, I used to observe her very closely. I wear her sarees occasionally. What we do is also address these issues while creating the clothes,” says Anushka. In those days, it was pretty rare to get all that. I used to see what kind of a make-up she wore, what saree she wore.But now she is happy to have launched her own brand. Things are available pretty much easily these days.Anushka Sharma, who is known for her sartorial choices, still loves wearing her mother’s sarees.— Sanskriti Media.
A careful look at this architecture would lead us to the conclusion that there are gaping holes in it which need to be repaired with all the instruments at our disposal — diplomatic, economic and military. In Afghanistan, we have shown a high degree of reticence in supplying military equipment despite their repeated requests. China also gave enough indications that it can extend its strategy of testing Indian nerves in other areas along the LAC at the time of its choosing. The declarations of the government that no aggression will be tolerated are also well taken. The first concentric circle, to be called the “Arc of Hostility”, includes two of our neighbours, China and Pakistan. We tend to take Iran’s support for granted because of civilisational ties but we don’t realise that Iran has many wooers despite US hostility, as is obvious from the fiasco pertaining to Farzad B gas field. The writer is editor, India’s National Security Annual Review, and former professor of diplomacy at JNU, New Delhi. Russia’s decision to supply arms to Pakistan and Taliban in Afghanistan is nothing less than horrendous to India. Its objections to India’s permanent membership of the Security Council and of NSG, and declaring Masood Azhar as a UN designated terrorist will continue
.This may be done by having a closer look at the external security architecture of India. The third circle can be called the “Arc of Security”. This includes major powers, our net security providers in terms of defence cooperation, technology transfer, trade, aid and investment. Surgical strikes of 29 September 2016 made no difference to Pakistani behaviour because Uri type attacks continued for many months after that. Talking of the United States, President Trump’s South Asia policy announced on August 21 has China non woven fabric for face mask pleased some Indian hearts. The second circle, consisting of countries from the Persian Gulf to the Malacca Straits would be called the “Arc of Stability”., which are supposed to provide equal security and development opportunities to all nations of the world. China’s comprehensive support to Pakistan has emboldened the latter to sharpen its hostility against India. Sri Lanka which struggles to maintain a tough balance between China and India requires a very diligent mix of diplomatic, economic and military instruments on our part to safeguard our strategic interests. India needs to change its strategy in this respect, and resort to a more vigorous and persistent diplomacy, perhaps through the appointment of a special envoy. Because of ethnic overlap, economic interdependence and geographical location, their stability and security is important to us, and our support is important to them. But his hard line against Pakistan is meant to prevent Pakistan from sending militants into Afghanistan, not India.
This includes global institutions like the UN Security Council, the World Bank, the IMF, the WTO, the NSG etc. The formation of Milli Muslim League by Hafiz Saeed with the encouragement of the establishment has altered the internal dynamics of Pakistan severely against India. Bangladesh under Sheikh Hasina repatriated terrorist and insurgent leaders and strengthened its own secular fabric. India has already emerged as one of the six or seven most powerful countries of the world, going by the combined index of economic and military power and other variables. If we look at the Arc of Hostility, we find that the graph of hostility of both China and Pakistan has moved upward by 60 to 70 per cent in the last one year. Unfortunately, India did little to heal the frayed nerves of Russia. The fourth circle could be called the “Arc of Global Governance”. However, hostile Hindutva elements in neighbouring Indian states have pushed Bangladesh to feel more secure about its relations with China. In the Arc of Security, the most important countries that come to my mind are the United States and Russia, even though some others like France, Britain, Israel, Japan, South Korea, Vietnam and Australia play significant role in promoting India’s security.Russia has been antagonised by India’s emerging closeness with the United States since the nuclear deal. For the sake of analysis, this architecture can be said to consist of four concentric circles, borrowing the concept from Kautilya’s “Mandala” theory, but modifying it to conform to the Indian reality. China has strengthened its strategic alliance with Pakistan through CPEC. In Myanmar, we need to work much harder to counter China’s increasing influence in internal politics in the form of addressing insurgencies.
The complexities on that end are whether Muslim women have the freedom to forego the hijab, whether it is possible to be a good Muslim woman and not cover one’s hair or, conversely, whether all women who cover their hair are automatically good and moral Muslim women. Ann Coulter, conservative talk show host and avid Trump supporter, wasted no time labelling hijabi Barbie “Jihadi Barbie”, drawing, like many others in the Trump camp, an indelible connection between all and any aspects of Muslim religious identity. First of all, in a world wracked by war and displacement, where children starve and wash ashore dead, the promise of a doll, let alone a very expensive one, whether or not she wears a hijab, is not anything within the realm of possibility.
Within this environment, yet another nudge that being Muslim requires wearing the hijab can be somewhat onerous, empowering all those men and women who tell everyone what to believe and in particular what to wear.Rafia Zakaria. Barbies have hardly disposable nonwoven isolation gown suppliers been symbols of either feminism or modesty or female achievement.But none of the people in the Muslim world, not the evangelists prescribing the hijab nor the non-wearing faithful who have irked them, are particularly important to the debate as it pertains to a Barbie doll.
Ibtihaj herself talked about how the doll made her feel included given the fact that she had felt excluded in so many ways before. Barbies have hardly been symbols of either feminism or modesty or female achievement. Like Ibtihaj, who is Muslim, the doll sports a hijab. As Per that political calculation, all hijabi women and frankly all Muslims are jihadis bent on eliminating American freedoms. Unlike other Barbies, such as the Hollywood and Broadway stars also released as part of the series, this new doll has received extra attention in an America whose suspicions of Muslims are routinely whetted by the Trump administration.
If you turn up the volume to the max, it can get really seriously loud enough to be the life of your mini house party. A 2400mAh Lithium Ion battery powers the Sound Cake, and while it takes a considerable amount of time to fill it to the brim, it still manages to retain the juice for a very long duration. There’s no noticeable distortion at high volumes and the lower bass-heavy frequencies tend to deliver well too.Budget Bluetooth speakers generally come in a variety of funky form-factors and eye-popping colours.However, what we found missing on this one is a handle or some sort of provision to easily pick it up from a flat surface. While Portronics claims 8 hours in total, our tests gave us more (around 14 hours approx).
As a package, it sounds impressive. While this makes it look premium, it also makes it prone to dirt and dust, which won’t gel with the aesthetics over the course of time. However, budget speakers do not mean that you have to compromise on audio quality anymore. The Sound Cake is a complete departure from that trend, flaunting sober yet classy aesthetics. You will find a micro USB charging port and a 3.However, apart from the audio quality, battery life is also of prime concern to a wireless speaker user and the Sound Nonwoven Machine-made Bags suppliers Cake shines here with an exceptional battery life. A built-in microphone for taking calls is also available.
Overall, it’s a well-built speaker with a mix of soft-touch plastic surfaces, rubber and cloth. Also published on Deccan Chronicle)end-ofTags: portronics, bluetooth speaker, wireless speakers.In the recent times, the growth of audio technology has led to the arrival of decent wireless speakers in the affordable speaker segment. The Sound Cake is perfect as a personal Bluetooth speaker, and also won’t shy away from satisfying a mini house party. If you are looking for a portable wireless speaker with a good audio performance and a decent battery life, then the Portronics Sound Cake surely earns a recommendation from us.1 has been the primary short wireless connection standard across all mobile devices until recently and it certainly doesn’t mean weaker signal transmission compared to the newer standard.Since this is meant to be a budget wireless speaker, it uses Bluetooth 4. The maximum range from the source to the speaker is 10 metres and you can even keep it in the next room without experiencing any noticeable audio distortion. The build quality is great and the audio quality is above average across a wide range of audio frequencies, with a high volume and distortion-free performance.
What we do is also address these issues while creating the clothes,” says Anushka.Anushka SharmaAnushka Sharma, who is known for her sartorial choices, still loves wearing her mother’s sarees. I did that very recently at an event as well,” says Anushka. For Anushka, the need to start her own brand stemmed from what the best brands could not offer. My mother would make it a point to buy the local sarees and hence has a great collection. In those days, it was pretty rare to get all that. So, I still wear all those sarees,” says the actress. I used to see what kind of a make-up she wore, what saree she wore.Anushka’s father’s disposable ICA-POLY COATED GOWN army posting around the country gave her mother a chance to have an enviable saree collection.
I wear her sarees occasionally.— Sanskriti Mediaend-ofTags: anushka sharma, sarees. “Since my father was in the army, we would be travelling to various parts of the country. But I could not wear them in India because the fabric was thin and transparent and hence deemed ‘not good’ to be worn in India. “When my mother would get ready to go to parties, I used to observe her very closely. Things are available pretty much easily these days.But now she is happy to have launched her own brand.Anushka’s father’s army posting around the country gave her mother a chance to have an enviable saree collection. “I used to go abroad and get a great brand and wear it.